The InBetween is a thrilling adventure trilogy through a mysterious, interconnected world where the player must use their wits, skills and conscience to Save the Underground world of Aija from Deadly Vir infection or... END the world.
Discover new horizons, choose your path and endings, solve the mysteries beyond and determine your Fate in The InBetween!
The world of Aija have been infested with VIR and monsters manifested from it. Eliminate them all down to its source with your trusty blaster and assortment of special attacks and abilities.🌀
Explore the world of Aija, filled with infected people. And it’s up to you to either heal them or eliminate them. Through a combination of fast-paced and turn-based battles.
Your actions get judged and you face the consequences in the form of multiple endings. Tread carefully and discover the mysteries beyond if you’re up to the task.
The game offers its own thoughts on the concept of neutrality. As well as the dilemma of being stuck in-between tough scenarios and the risks of not making a choice.
It also strives to be a metroidvania without peer by offering a fresh take on the sub-genre through its unique combat system as well as the story the game tries to tell within and beyond.
So if you’re a fan of trying something new, or a fan of games like The Legend of Zelda; Majora’s Mask, Undertale, Iconoclasts or Metroid Fusion as well as series like Made in Abyss, then The InBetween is an experience you would not want to miss!😁
The game’s demo is finally live on itch! And is currently heading towards a next year release!
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